Monday, January 22, 2007


I begin this foray into cyberspace with a quote from Father Thomas Keating, a man I have grown to know and love through his writings.

"The fundamental goodness of human nature, like the mystery of the Trinity, Grace, and the Incarnation, is an essential element of Christian faith. This basic core of goodness is capable of unlimited development; indeed, of becoming transformed into Christ and deified. …Our basic core of goodness is our true Self. Its center of gravity is God. The acceptance of our basic goodness is a quantum leap in the spiritual journey … God and our true Self are not separate. Though we are not God, God and our true Self are the same thing."

I want very much to accept my basic goodness and to know my true Self. My journey began the day I was born and I know I've come a long way … I have much further to go.